Keto and Doctors

Keto and Doctors

Medical professionals go through years of education and training. They have more medical facts crammed in their noggins than there are cat videos on YouTube. They deserve the respect society often pays them. There is one glaring exception, though: nutrition.

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The Tyranny of the Scale, and How to Break Free.

The Tyranny of the Scale, and How to Break Free.

It is inevitable that when one embarks on a new dietary regime, the focus falls on what we weigh. That makes sense if the reason for making a change is to lose weight. This often leads to weighing ourselves—a lot. What does the scale have in store for me today?

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Self-Doubt = Self-Limiting. Let's Take a Leap of Faith

Self-Doubt = Self-Limiting. Let's Take a Leap of Faith

Change is challenging. Change is scary. Change sometimes seems impossible. This is true whether considering applying for a job in a new field, deciding to sell a house, breaking up with someone, switching to decaf coffee. And when the change we seek is as fundamental as the food we eat—and the potential effects on our health and bodies—we can find ourselves with thoughts that have become our default position: I can't do this.

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Self-Sabotage. Why? (Really...Why?!)

Self-Sabotage. Why? (Really...Why?!)

We all know the routine: we conclude that something about our life needs to change. It might be purging our home of all the detritus that somehow made just "appeared." Maybe it's making better use of our time than checking in with whatever social media outlet has hypnotized us lately. And, of course, there is the quest for health, happiness—and being able to sit on an aluminum lawn chair without fear of it buckling under our weight—which many of us have followed for years. (Who am I kidding? Decades, not just years.) 

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