Beyond Weight Loss: Other Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

Beyond Weight Loss: Other Benefits of the Ketogenic Diet

My reason for starting down the ketogenic, low carb/high fat diet had less to do with losing weight than wanting to avoid being put on insulin or other medication for what was surely going to be a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. I've written previously about that here. I had been very overweight for about 30 years. I was reconciled to be so forever. After all, we've been advised that 'it's almost impossible to lose weight after about age fifty' and 'diets don't work' and '95% of people who lose weight regain it, plus more', etc., You know what I'm talking about. If you want to know what the drip, drip, drip of daily defeat feels like, live inside the head of fat woman.

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Where is Ketosis and How Do I Get There?

Where is Ketosis and How Do I Get There?

"Ketosis" isn't a place, although some might say it's almost a state of mind. In very simple terms, ketosis is when the body utilizes ketone bodies (fat) for fuel rather than glucose (sugar). Our bodies can use either fuel for energy and keeping the lights on but in general can use one or the other. (It's not 100% for either but rather the body will burn either glucose or fat for the vast majority of its needs at any given time)

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