Even in this digital age - or maybe, because of it - there’s something calming about reading an actual book. Words matter and a well-written story, whether fiction, poetry, or prose, let’s us into different places and times. From To Kill a Mockingbird to How We Die to Sapiens, from Michel Faber to David Sedaris to Arthur Conan Doyle, I like it all. Now, where are my glasses? I have some reading to do!

Look Again: The Power of Noticing What Was Always There (Tali Sharot & Cass Sunstein)

The subtitle of this book caught my attention. As with so much in life, we can tend to miss the obvious, that which is in front of our eyes every day. And the topics of ‘habituation’ and ‘dishabituation’ as discussed explain so much of our actions, feelings, and behaviors.


What’s On My Bookshelves

Some have been read, some are on deck.