Thanksgiving Can Be Challenging on the Ketogenic Diet

The Latest New Low and Thoughts on Why

Consider this a bit of a drive-by post. Not a great deal of new info but I wanted to share that every day that passes feels like validation of a kind of reboot I experienced whilst my Lovely Mate was out of the country, leaving me to solely my own food needs. (You can read about that here and here). When he returned I wondered if the changes - and weight loss - would stick.

The answer is yes, and yes.

Once having stripped away the daily 'food as habit' for a few weeks, it became clear I had been eating food I simply didn't need. Now it's pretty easy to maintain this reduced-food regimen. And today's weigh-in bore out the benefit. Or one of them. There are many, unseen benefits to gaining control over food. For many of us, we've felt controlled by meals and snacks and recipes. By food, of all things. The opposite of anything that should be the boss of anyone. But here we've been, subordinates to whatever has compelled us to stuff our faces,

Not me. Not ever again.

Even I'm surprised by the continued weight loss. For more information on the ketogenic diet, see below. ☞ SEE MY WEIGHT CHANGE CHART: ☞ READ MORE AT MY BLOG: ☞ FOLLOW MY FACEBOOK PAGE:

I’ve been fortunate to have exposure to leading researchers, physicians and journalists regarding the ketogenic diet, also known as LCHF (low carb/high fat). We are all responsible for our own choices, including what we put in our mouths. I welcome questions, comments and even civil criticism. I’m still learning. So, if you have something to add, go for it. Thanks!  - Casey

Stress and Comfort Food. A Bad Combination

It's been a rough week around here. Oh, all is well with our health, marriage, finances. Our kids and their families are well. But we're all more than a bit stunned by the events of the past week. Stress and anxiety are at pretty high levels.

Granted, many readers of this blog may be jubilant. Some angry. Many in shock. But since this space is meant as a platform to share and, hopefully, help navigate through success with the ketogenic, low-carb/high fat diet, let's look at how all these extreme emotions and states of mind can prove to be landmines when trying to remain on track.

"Comfort Food". Ah, yes. That treat or meal to which we turn to make ourselves feel better. It's a well accepted trope. But I put forth that those self same dishes and time-honored family favorites from our childhood do anything but make us better. They might tamp down feelings for a moment. But nothing is solved. And depending on what the food is, can exacerbate the problem. 

We can't avoid stress. We're sometimes fearful. Life is full of triggers. But we must learn to deal with those things without face planting into a a bag of Twinkies. We simply must.

The following video is pretty disjointed due to - well, due to life happening. So I decided to keep it the messy thing it is, 'cause life is messy. Yet it moves on....

It's been a hard week around here. But food isn't the place to look to feel better. For more information on the ketogenic diet and my experiences, see links below: ☞ SEE MY WEIGHT CHANGE CHART: ☞ READ MORE AT MY BLOG: ☞ FOLLOW MY FACEBOOK PAGE:

I’ve been fortunate to have exposure to leading researchers, physicians and journalists regarding the ketogenic diet, also known as LCHF (low carb/high fat). We are all responsible for our own choices, including what we put in our mouths. I welcome questions, comments and even civil criticism. I’m still learning. So, if you have something to add, go for it. Thanks!  - Casey

"Just One Cookie Won't Hurt!" (Low Carb and Temptation)

"Just One Cookie Won't Hurt!" (Low Carb and Temptation)

It's everywhere: temptation. Often it's benign, like when your office environment seems to have opened a Krispy Kreme branch in your break room or at restaurants where you're presented with baskets of warm yeast rolls or tortilla chips before your tush is even nestled in the booth. That's hard enough. But there are times when the inducement feels like it's directed at you personally. When people around you are either insensitive to your efforts to avoid certain foods or, worse, might be actively trying to sabotage.

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How Can I Say Eating Low Carb Is Sustainable? Well, Because It Is.

How Can I Say Eating Low Carb Is Sustainable? Well, Because It Is.

One of the slams one hears or reads about the ketogenic, low carb/high fat (LCHF) diet is that it can't be followed long term and that all diets fail. (That, and 'It will wreck your kidneys' ... 'Your cholesterol is going to go sky high' .... 'You might lose weight but that won't help you if you keel over from a heart attack' ... 'Carbs are required to make glucose so your brain can function properly' ... 'You'll shoot your eye out, kid!')

Wait. That last one is about something else altogether..

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