A Bit Off Topic, Thinking of Taking a Scary Step
/There are times in life when change is foist upon us. Others when change is our choice. And others when change is somewhere out there in front of us, somewhat formless and hard to make out. Like a puff of smoke viewed through a lens smeared in petroleum jelly when you don't have your glasses on. In other words, when change is really an unknown.
I may be ready to wipe the Vaseline away, put on my readers and take a step towards shaking things up.
Getting out of my comfort zone was something I started doing shortly after commencing the ketogenic diet and it had a huge impact on my life. As the body fat started coming off I decided it was also time to shed some emotional and mental burdens that weighed my down even more than my massive back side did. It was past due time for changes. My mottoes were 'I choose happiness' and 'do the opposite'. And it was wonderful. Worlds seemed to open to me. Or, more accurately, I was open to the world.
Oh my! When did I ever think I'd be wearing these Nine West pumps?
And sometimes I was WAY out of my comfort zone. The shiny red platform, peep toe high heel pumps alone were a revelation. After all, I had spent years wearing a pair of black Dansko knock offs. Couldn't wear true Danskos. My feet were too wide. The first time I stepped out sporting those shoes was a leap of faith. I've never looked back.
Now I'm considering another leap. I have enjoyed contributing to this blog and creating my videos. I've been gratified and humbled by the response. I want to continue and produce more in depth content. With that, I am going to research and contemplate creating a more long-form section of this blog and provide more of my experiences, answer questions, try to boil down articles, books and resources into manageable bits. Recipes, product reviews and, of course, my opinions. So many opinions. But doing so will require more and more time. Time which will not be spent on my day job. And while my career has a level of flexibility, it still requires attention.
With that, I may create a section on this blog where one can 'subscribe' to added content or we can set up Skype sessions or something similar ("x" minutes for "y" dollars or something along those lines). The following video discusses this a bit and I'm just noodling around with the idea. Heck, I don't even know how I'd do such a thing. But I'd like to hear feedback whether anyone would find value in such. Please feel free to contact me via the tab at the top of the page or comment below. Please know that if I do move forward with this idea, the concept of being truly a value added resource would be the mission statement for me. (Sounds rather high-minded, but it never hurts to throw a little classy business-speak in when one is trying to sound competent.)
Now, roll tape....
I’ve been fortunate to have exposure to leading researchers, physicians and journalists regarding the ketogenic diet, also known as LCHF (low carb/high fat). We are all responsible for our own choices, including what we put in our mouths. I welcome questions, comments and even civil criticism. I’m still learning. So, if you have something to add, go for it. Thanks! - Casey