If It's Saturday Morning There Should Be Pancakes!
/[Edited to correct to 1/2 tsp. each of baking soda and baking soda. Thanks to Mary, a reader, to whom I owe a pancake breakfast for the error!]
Yes, pancakes. Is there anything that shouts "weekend morning" more than a breakfast of sausages and pancakes with a hot cuppa joe? Here's a quick and easy way to put your griddle to work and not risk going out of ketosis. (See here for a quick description of what ketosis is)
Low Carb Pancakes
Yum, yum. This recipe makes about 10-12 smallish pancakes, the way I pour them, anyway.
In a blender combine...
- 2 ounces of cream cheese
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 TBSP Splenda® or preferred sweetener
You can throw in a dash of vanilla extract and/or pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg. Whatever makes you happy. Blend, pour onto a hot griddle (I put coconut oil on mine. Lovely Mate says he likes that little added bit of flavor). And that's it. They take very little time to cook. Give them a flip and then load onto your plates with a pat of butter and you're good to go. If you wanted to sprinkle some berries on top, all the better.
Give 'em a try! Now, get out there and have a great day!
I’ve been fortunate to have exposure to leading researchers, physicians and journalists regarding the ketogenic specifically and LCHF (low carb/high fat) more generally, we are all responsible for our own choices, including what we put in our mouths. I welcome questions, comments and even civil criticism. I’m still learning. So, if you have something to add, go for it. Thanks! - Casey