How Can I Say Eating Low Carb Is Sustainable? Well, Because It Is.

How Can I Say Eating Low Carb Is Sustainable? Well, Because It Is.

One of the slams one hears or reads about the ketogenic, low carb/high fat (LCHF) diet is that it can't be followed long term and that all diets fail. (That, and 'It will wreck your kidneys' ... 'Your cholesterol is going to go sky high' .... 'You might lose weight but that won't help you if you keel over from a heart attack' ... 'Carbs are required to make glucose so your brain can function properly' ... 'You'll shoot your eye out, kid!')

Wait. That last one is about something else altogether..

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Eating Keto at a Buffet. Impossible? Absolutely not!

Eating Keto at a Buffet. Impossible? Absolutely not!

I had the great privilege to attend the first - and not the last - LowCarbUSA conference in San Diego. There were three days of presentations by world experts on health, science, nutrition, , exercise physiology, cancer research and the history of how bad science got us to the sad state of affairs in which the world now finds itself. I'll be writing about the lectures subsequent to this post but wanted to address a topic that comes up a great deal: how can one travel and eat out and stay on a ketogenic (low carb/high fat) regimen?

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Victories that have Nothing to do with the Scale.

Victories that have Nothing to do with the Scale.

Having lost over 80 pounds, which on a 5’1” frame is a gracious amount of weight, I’m now able to do things I simply couldn’t - or wouldn’t attempt - before. For people of normal weight there are everyday experiences and habits, movements and processes that are so mundane as to be out of any kind of consciousness. But for fat folk things can be oh so different.

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